🚀🚀 v3.10 release package and more 🚀🚀
RESOLVED - Code Red: There is a problem with the partner portal, Surf UI and API calls on the US cloud
Code Red: There is a problem with the partner portal, Surf UI and API calls on the US cloud
ℹ️ Service Impact Announcement: Our systems are experiencing an inconsistent failure rate affecting Partner Portal, Surfsight Site, and API calls - (RESOLVED)ℹ️
ℹ️ Service Impact Announcement: Increase in responses with status code 4xxℹ️
![ℹ️ Service Impact Announcement: Increase in responses with status code 4xxℹ️](https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/U2VcroU5O04eruz0qrUL/publications/pIQd35JYwLUOh5DmFWtz/01jjamm820efn088cscmjw8spc-featured-image.png)