Surfsight Internal Updates

Code Red: Partner Portal and API calls not working for US cloud – RESOLVED

by Natalia Correa, TS3
Code Red
We are experiencing a service outage with the Partner Portal and the API calls. Our team is currently working to restore the service. We apologize for any inconvenience. The US cloud may be affected. RESOLVED This notice was delivered

⚠️ Code Red: Partner Portal and API calls not working for US cloud ⚠️

by Natalia Correa, TS3
Code Red
We are experiencing a service outage with the Partner Portal and the API calls. Our team is currently working to restore the service. We apologize for any inconvenience. The US cloud may be affected. This notice was delivered to

⚠️ Code Red: system is down for US cloud - RESOLVED ⚠️

by Dror Tesler, Support Engineer
Code Red
We’re experiencing a service outage with US cloud. Our team is currently working to restore the service. We apologize for any inconvenience. US cloud may be affected. - RESOLVED PR-0005082 This notice was delivered to <employees only>

E23/24 is out! 🚀

by Sharon Schnee
New release
E23/24 is out! 🚀 What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out! The Partner Portal dashboard displays more detail about Inactive devices, including devices that are Activated, Pending Activation, Deactivated, and

🖨️ Draft version: E23/24-2024 🖨️

by Sharon Schnee
New release
The draft version of E23/24-2024 release notes is here! Take a look. Read all about this release’s new features, enhancements, and the bugs we fixed in the draft release notes. For more information E23/24 slides, including next planned

E21/22 is out! 🚀

by Sharon Schnee
New release
E21/22 is out! 🚀 What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out! Lytx Conceal Service which blurs license plates and faces of drivers, passengers, and passersby on event media files that are stored in the cloud. This service

E19/20-23 and G3-23 are out! 🚀

by Sharon Schnee
New release
E19/20 and G3-23 are out! 🚀 What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out! E19/20-23 Two upcoming changes to the Surfsight API may impact your use of the service. Specific events only allow text for data type, the dataType

🖨️ Draft version: E19/20-2023 and G3-23🖨️

by Sharon Schnee
New release
The draft version of E19/20 and G3 release notes are here! Take a look. Read all about this release’s new features, enhancements, and the bugs we fixed in the E19/20 and G3 draft release notes. For more information E19/20 and G3 slides,

E17/18 is out! 🚀

by Sharon Schnee
New release
E17/18 is out! 🚀 What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out! The Partner portal facelift continues with the calendar drop downs in several areas, giving all related screens a new updated look. The mediaFileAvailability