Auxiliary camera field trial announcement and communication guidelines 🌻
May 27th, 2022 at 1:00 PM

To all of our teams - PSMs, Sales, TAMs and others - as part of our rollout plan for auxiliary cameras, we will begin field testing in a few weeks, aiming to collect feedback from a small group of partner resellers before releasing to the general public.
We’ve put together information and details about the auxiliary camera field trial in order to help you prepare for next steps. Find all the juice in this letter.
During the trials, we will:
track and monitor the quality of recordings from the auxiliary cameras
ensure everything is working properly
provide technical support to partner resellers
collect and evaluate feedback from field trial participants regarding the ease of installation and pairing
adjust design if needed and refine the camera based on any design adjustments
repeat until field trial is evaluated as successful based on our pre-determined success criteria
release to the general public
Lytx® employees can stay up to date with the release plan status on LytxLync.
You might also want to check out the auxiliary camera release package for additional resources.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at
The Surfsight Product Marketing Team
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