C11-2024 is out! 🚀

C11-2024 is out! 🚀
What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out!
Increased the Accuracy of File Size Verification
This feature verifies the video file size before informing the user that the file is ready
for download. It compares the file size on the SD card with the file uploaded to the
Breaking Change
API GET device event enhancement: In order to prevent an excessive load on the database, we are now enforcing the start and end query string parameters on the GET /devices/{imei}/events endpoint
to include up to 31 days of activity.
To read about new features, enhancements, and the bugs we fixed in this internal document or:
In the Knowledge Base
In the Developer portal changelog
In the Partner portal
This notice was delivered to Lytx employees.
For more information, speak with us here
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