C12-2024 is out! 🚀

C12-2024 is out! 🚀
What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out!
Select single or double-view camera footage
You can add an optional parameter to the event media reusable component in order
to select single or double-view camera footage. The double-view enables you to view in-cabin and road-facing camera footage simultaneously for most events. If one primary view is missing, it shows the auxiliary camera footage. Controls are synchronized for both viewers. This feature is available on the Events and Analytics pages.
By decreasing the need to manually switch between camera views, this option significantly improves user experience and enhances event analysis. You can gain deeper insights by viewing in-cabin and road footage simultaneously, streamlining workflows, improving contextual understanding, and facilitating seamless collaboration with colleagues.
Enhanced Device Visibility: Introducing Firmware Version in Health Reports
This enhancement introduces a critical new data column to the Surfsight Portal's Health Report: The device's Firmware Version. This empowers users in multi-tenant environments to gain deeper insights into the health and status of their devices.
By easily identifying firmware versions across their fleet, users can:
Proactively address firmware updates.
Troubleshoot Firmware issues more effectively.
Gain a comprehensive overview of the firmware distribution across their fleet, enabling better planning and management of firmware updates.
Seamless Camera Switching: Retain Time frame for Easier Recording Reviews
This enhancement addresses a key usability issue in the Surfsight Portal's Recordings section. Currently, switching between camera lenses resets the selected time frame, interrupting the user's workflow.
This enhancement increases the number of selected time frames that remain persistent across camera lens changes, providing a more seamless and efficient experience for users reviewing recordings.
View Concealed Media on the Events Page
This enhancement significantly enhances the user experience within the Surfsight Portal. When concealment is enabled for an organization, the Events page will now automatically display concealed media, increasing the protection of sensitive information.
Authorized users can toggle between original and concealed versions, while informative messages guide the process. Sales teams and partners can demonstrate how we support concealment features in POCs. Adding concealed media to the Surfsight portal is a great sales enabler.
Enhanced Group Organization: Streamline Workflow with Alphabetical Group Sorting
This enhancement improves the usability of the Surfsight Portal by organizing groups alphabetically across key sections: Devices, Maps, Recordings, Events, and Analytics.
You can change the default in order to sort by A-Z and thereby improve user experience and enabling users to quickly locate and access specific groups, streamlining workflows, and facilitating easier navigation and management of large numbers of groups.
Ongoing Updates that Decrease Portal Access Interruptions
This enhancement decreases the disruptive forced reloads that occur when updates are deployed to the Admin, Partner, and Surfsight portals.
By handling the update process in the background, this feature reduces interruptions in user sessions, increasing productivity.
Breaking Changes
Create/Update organization - (post/organizations)
We changed the default for isOrganizationProfileEnabled to FALSE. Newly created organizations are no longer automatically enabled for the “Organization Profile” feature.
Create/Update drivers APIs
When creating a new driver persona in the Organization, (POST/drivers and PATCH/drivers), we added a validation that the organizationId exists and belongs to the partner who is performing the operation. This allows you to only create a driver persona who is in your organization.
Virtual event API
We implemented a more stringent parameter validation on the virtual-event endpoint.
By ensuring that all input data adheres to pre-defined criteria, we now only create events with valid parameters. You will receive an error message when attempting to enter invalid parameters.
To read about new features, enhancements, and the bugs we fixed in this internal document or:
In the Knowledge Base
In the Developer portal changelog
In the Partner portal
This notice was delivered to Lytx employees.
For more information, speak with us here
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