C4-2024 is out! 🚀

C4-2024 is out! 🚀

What’s included this time around? What’s new? Check it out!

  • A new user role has been added to the Partner Portal, Editor without media access, for users who can view information without having access to media.

  • When reviewing event media for MV+AI events, such as distracted driving events, media from the ​in-cabin-facing camera​ is now shown by default.

  • When selecting ​Rows per page​ the options to view 300 and 500 rows per page are now available in multiple areas.

  • And more !!

Read all about this release’s new features, enhancements, and the bugs we fixed in this internal document or:

This notice was delivered to Lytx employees.

For more information, speak with us here