📷 EOS/EOL Aux cams 📷
February 24th, 2022 at 2:23 PM
Partner messaging
Hardware and firmware updates
To all of our teams - PSMs, Sales, TAMs and others - messaging regarding the auxiliary camera end of life/end of sale is ready and you’re welcome to use it when communicating with your partners as follows:
Instructions, messaging and more for employees only: https://drivecam.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/SurfsightProduct/EadpyVuCFftBlqDofymNNpYBNkiu_OB6o4OLqLcxBZ5lGQ?e=skAYfT
Partner-facing communications: a template that you can use as-is or copy and paste can be found here.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at surfsight-marketing@surfsight.com
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