GTM Dec 13 2021 Updates

The December 13 2021 🗓️ ♍ GTM forum was held with the following status updates:

New power cables
J1939, RP1226 and iOX are expected to be released soon hopefully; a final date will be announced as soon as we get relevant info from our manufacturer and shippers.
Release E23 & E24
Improvements to Partner Portal. RN is here.
Additions and improvements were made to API calls.
Improvements to the Partner Portal with additional metadata in the Organizations and the Devices areas.
New features supporting 3.10.
Dedicated documentation for the Partner Portal is coming soon.
đź“– Developer Portal launch
Our new portal was launched on Dec. 1.
đź“– LMS launch
Our new LMS was launched on Dec. 1.
The Surfsight Learning Center is part of the Lytx business community, many of you already know. Existing business center users already have access as your​ credentials remain the same​. There is no action required for credentials to access the learning center.
Firmware 3.10
Beta has begun with WFS, Spireon, Azuga and Data Hub.
Features include improved new road-facing safety events (ADAS).
The following docs are already available: Release notes in PDF, Documentation in PDF
Product managers, Product Marketing managers and Technical Writers are working on content in the following order of priority:
Internal training planning & creation
Internal product training delivery
Internal marketing messaging & positioning training delivery
Updated assets
LytxLync for Surfsight has landed!
Visit our internal portal where you can find anything and everything you need to work with Surfsight.
Surfsight website migration
Migration to is in development and targeted for mid-January.
đź“ť Noticeable (External)
We’ve rolled out the widget in the knowledge base and done a demo internally
We’ve also rolled out subscription services for these alerts, and integrations with Teams, Slack and other RSS readers
Next steps: rollout additional widgets

The new Code Red process is owned by Perla. We’re continuing to work on publishing the SLA so it can be shared with partners.
Find this week’s GTM presentation 📝 here:
Find this week’s complete recording 🎦 here:
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