📣📣 New GTM recording ℹ️ℹ️

The Sept. 22 2021 🗓️ ♍ GTM forum was held with the following status updates:
🆕 device cables - to be released at the beginning of October, including an updated order form
Noticeable - beta is successful; once email subscriptions are tested we’ll start rolling out notifications for customers - with segmentation coming later
LytxLync - we’ll be publishing a Surfsight LytxLync center soon where we’ll centralize EVERYTHING you need for your job
C18 rolled out with a problematic alert operations-wise; lessons learned: consider improving operations planning
E19 - scheduled for Oct. 3 - Ongoing cloud updates with a focus on improving performance & user experience with backend fixes; Insurance companies are looking for pure G-Force events, expected to be added to this release; improve OTA experience; continue improving and enriching API v2
Partner Portal - Oct. 3 - We’re continuing to improve per specific customer requests; change login image; select the default number of devices in the Device tab; set and view SD card and organization purge; set the device retention policy; add multiple sub-partner users; increase max users to 50; view purge time per org; manage partner contacts; view device data usage
Developer Portal - Surfsight will launch a developer portal designed to significantly improve self-service for partner integrations; first rollout scheduled for early October
Surfsight website migration - migration to lytx.com is in planning and scheduled for October
Firmware 3.10 + ADAS - scheduled for mid-Q4
White-label portal - in development + finished the Alpha map module; started events and cameras modules; starting Alpha with internal people and selected partners. New product manager – Zlil Cohen looking for Enhancement Requests.
Geotab add-in - G12+G13 scheduled to be released Sept. 26th.; OrderNow customers notification about reaching their monthly live streaming limit
🗺️ 🗺️ 🗺️ Checkout the ~2-month outlook here: Roadmap 🗺️ 🗺️ 🗺️
Additionally, we had some lessons learned:
Discuss statuses at GTM more granularly so that communications are clearer prior to releases
Hardware rollout process still not 100% - need to look into updating the eCommerce site as part of the prep steps
The Product team is currently accepting enhancement requests through Jira and looking into alternatives to improve this process so that Sales can also make direct contributions
🧑🏫 Find this week’s GTM presentation 📝 here:
Find this week’s complete recording 🎦 here:
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